As the rain pitter-patter's down upon my window, it creates a myriad of drops and streaks across the pane. The clouds have a gloom to them, but nothing too sinister. In the distance, between the houses out back, I can see the edge of a cloud, and light is there. The rainclouds are have come to the end of their water supply and the wind blows them gently away. There could be sunshine this evening, but even if there is not, tomorrow will most certainly be sunny.
I can smell the bacon cooking and know that Nana is preparing her famous brunch: hash browns, eggs, bacon, steamed carrots and broccoli, toast, jams, honey, peach, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, and an assortment of nuts. The children always eat whatever is prepared by Nana on a Sunday brunch, even the steamed vegetables.
I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance as the storm heads west. It had been a while since we've had a decent rain, so this storm, even though it was a storm, was most welcome. I bet that old Mr. Hedgwinn was out fishing. He always said rain was the best time to fish, and if that was the case, what better time than during a storm? He would most likely be getting the brunt of the storm now, since the lake was six miles west of town. He would be very glad for it and would be most enjoying this storm.
Mrs. Ignwhitt would be sitting out in her green house, listening as the last of the rain hit the glass walls and ceiling. She always loves to watch a storm. Listen to the thunder roll and clap, watch the lightning get thrown about. Her favorite time of year is spring and summer, when everything grows and blossoms.
As for my family; Gwenn, the youngest, is always in awe of the storm, it's power and beauty, Peter likes the rain and the thunder, but not the lightning, Heather likes the rain but not any of the rest of it, including the grey clouds (she says they're a sad necessity), and Simon hates it all as he would much rather be outside with his mates playing football or cricket. As for Stacey, my wife, she loves every minute of it and often paints during a storm. She feels she gets her best work done during a rainy morning or afternoon.
Tonight, I have my meeting with T.H.E.M. and I quite think we will run into a success or two, providing Mr. Six has good news, which I do not doubt he will as his last business trip could have been nothing but profitable.
Ah, brunch is served, so I must get to it. Sincerely, Mr. Black.
Sneaky sidelong glance
Of intrigue and mystery
Quick misdirection.