Anyway, enough inside jokes and pluggin'. Oh hey, you know what I was thinking the other day? Um... that other day being yesterday. I was stocking everything up and found that if we somehow couldn't get cheese anymore, like ...not even processed cheese, a lot of our foods would cease to exist. There is cheese, in one form or another, in a whole heck of a lot of food. So then, if there was no cheese, what would replace it? You could kinda say chocolate would because there's so much chocolate as well, and same with vanilla... but I don't know if that would really replace cheese. Ugh, I hope soy wouldn't replace it. ~shudder~
"Oh Dave, things wouldn't be so bad as that, you gotta have confidence in the world" What? How could you say that? The world has let us down so many times. Just take a look at what passes for a comedy these days. It's like, Owen Wilson and Ice Cube and Sean William Scott taking over, and those new, young, "lovable" types like Seth Rogen and Michael Cera. Man, I just can't stand the movies those two put out. Maybe I'm just too old, smart, and mature. Now if you know me, when I say that, you can know how much I don't like those guys and their movies.

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