Hey, you know why days have been missing from my week o'bloggin'? That's cause it's close to Christmas and I've been spending time with friends and also shopping. Not that I hadn't done most of it in one day, but there's also the writing of cards, the drinking of nog and the contemplating of snow...
Okay, so I just haven't made much time for a bloggin', but you know what? It's my website, so meh! All this to say that this is the last blog before the end of no internet. Also I promise that before next year my continued story will finish. And if you haven't been able to keep track of what story I'm talking about, or which parts are the one story... you just have to keep an eye open for "...Continued" at the beginning. Well, if you take the time to look through.
Okay okay. The first part is blog number 156, the second is in blog number 159. And the next is yet to come, only because I haven't taken the time to think up an "ending".
And if you're all like "But Dave, I don't care about this story", then I'm all like "So don't read it and go back instead to some other postings that you haven't read yet". Also, if you're all like "Dave, you know there are error's in this story, right? Did you even proof read?", then I'm all like "No, do I look like I'm still in school to you? Well maybe I look that way cause it wasn't long ago that I was but... the point is that I'm not in school anymore and have gotten out of the habit of proof reading and I'll try to do so from now on." At least I remember to spell check.
What I was going to say for today has been lost to me, which brings me to a point: Being forgetful can be a pain, but it can also be fun because you're always learning the same new things. It's only if you realize that you've done something before but thought it was a new experience when it can get sad. But then you probably don't remember how last time went, so that doesn't matter anyways. I'll probably be in a home when I'm old. Hecks, I should probably be in one now! Who am I? What's the internets? Get off my lawn! I want pea soup!