I think I'd rather have a Coke than... (not that Coke is a bad thing, by far)
- eating gross corn or baked potato
- go to school
- go to work
- slip on ice
- get hurt
- touch a Pep**
- listen to bad music
- watch A New World
- a bloody nose
- fight a bear
- listen to politics
- get sand in my mouth
- get lost
- kiss a camel
- drop a sandwich
- lose my wallet
But I would never ...insert joke...
I don't know a good line. I was hoping I'd have one by now. If you don't mind, I'm just going to leave you with the WOTD and a haiku.
Pother - (n) a noisy disturbance; also: fuss
Skating under stars
Moonlight shining down upons
Lovers hand in hand.
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