"You sold me out! You sold me out! I thought we were friends but then you stab me in the back and sell me to The Man!" It sounded cliche, but it was true. My best friend and I were in cahoots, running a big scam. It was no ordinary scam, it was the kind of scam that would make anyone big and famous. As long as you didn't mind bending a law here, a rule there. But it wasn't breaking the law, it was bending the law, and we all know those are completely different things... until you get caught. And who would have thought that selling your former best friend out would have a bigger pay off than the act he was in the middle of committing?
Want to know how this all started? Well so do I. See, to me it started when I was 7. I was listening to what my grade 1 teacher was saying about math... or at least it had to do with numbers, when this kid next to me tapped me on the shoulder to show me this picture he drew. Or at least that's what I believed until now! I realise now that it was all a sham! He wasn't trying to win my friendship, he was trying to bring me down right from the start! And all this time I thought I was helping him out. I thought I was helping by being his friend, helping by listening to his ideas, helping boost his self-esteem and confidence. But that's just what he wanted me to think, when all along he was just reeling me in so that there'd be someone else to take the fall instead of him.
As I sit here, contemplating what could have been, I'm reminded of an old saying my grandmother would often quote: "If you don't eat your vegetables, your best friend will betray you!" I see now how right she was. Now it seems that all the vegetables in the world won't be enough to save me. Sigh.
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