Let me bring y'all back to a simpler time and strawberry pie, cotton pajamas that covered you from head to toe with a flap for your fanny, to a time when it was called your "fanny", to when all there was to a fishing rod was a stick, a string and a hook, to a life filled with days matching those of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
"What?! The book deal fell through!?! Fine, that's it! I'm outta here!."
And that's the last anyone ever heard of Old Man Sedgwinn. As for me, I'm still serving ice cream down at the stand half a block from the beach, across from Macey's. Stop buy and I'll tell you a story about how Bary and Tom solved the mystery of the rented Honda.
Broken into space
Past the atmosphere of Earth
Shuttle seven to Mars.
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