Today is April Fool's Day. A day to celebrate the wonders of all things the funny. A day for pranks, tom foolery, hi-jinks, mischievous acts, and general shenanigans. This works best in a classroom or office setting, as there are more people in a localized area, to pull pranks on.
Genius April Fool's Day acts can be, but are not limited to: taking a few select screws out of a chair, door, or desk so that when subject goes to use such items, said items will collapse. It is important, at that point, to shout out "April Fool's!" so that the subject knows they have been pranked. Leaving a note works too.
Another prank may be switching a working object with a broken object, or simply breaking the working object. I find, however, that switching objects is much more humorous because you can both laugh about it once you produce the working object, that way you avoid murderous revenge.
Oh, another one is giving the subject (or multiple subjects) one of those electric pens. Yeah, take all the pens from their belonging and replace said pens with electric pens so that they get a shock when they go to use them!
Oh yes, this reminds me. You know when someone puts crap in a bag and lights it on fire? Does that actually work? It just seems so cliche to me... other cliche pranks are, but not limited to: putting plastic wrap on the toilet (the key is to put it under the seat, for girls) oiling the doorknob (the device not the person... although that would be funny too), and pulling the chair out from under the subject.
Prank phone calls are a good classic to stick with. What you do is go through the phone book pretending to be a relative and reporting a death! But then... nowadays, with *69 and the like, you're more likely to get caught than say... calling and saying they've won a contest. You could also phone them pretending you still work at your old job and um... whatever that job may have been you could say there's a big sale on and they had to get down there today for it to apply. If you didn't work at a job where you sold stuff, you could then just pretend that you did (either sell stuff or that you had a job that you sold stuff). Imagination is needed for a prank call, if you don't have one don't attempt it. Or maybe you should because that would be extra funny.
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