"First thing tomorrow I'm going to feed you to the emys!" cried Mrs. Potston, referring to the turtles in the pond out back. This wasn't the first time she threatened to feed someone to those turtles, especially when it came to Robert, but superstitious as people were, especially Robert, it was a threat he did not take lightly, even though it was one she made often. Robert was Mrs. Potston's stable boy and work hand for around the inn. Not that Repuria was anywhere close to any other town, but that a lot of farmers would come into town, and when any festivities took place, they would need a place to stay. At the moment Robert, who was 10, had been told prepare the stable, for when guests arrived, but a curious rock had caught his eye, which caused him to dawdle and Mrs. Potston to threaten the emys for his future.
Emys orbicularis, or rather, the European pond turtle, was thought of to be most dangerous. As a matter of fact they were not, as turtles go, or rather as far as animal goes, but tell that to the town's folk. You see, the people of Repuria were quite superstitious and prone to believe most anything, if referring to danger and if said in a very convincing manner. The Repurians lived up on a mountain, with not a town in sight for 145 miles in each and every way. As they were self-sustaining, they did not find need to go to any of those towns, except once a year for trade. The only outsider they saw on a regular basis was Ted Gilson, and that only because Ted lived in a house 73 miles east of Repuria.
Ted was a 57 year old miller who would visit Repuria once every two months (twice if a festival took place), to trade, and to deliver any exciting news. It was also Ted's job, so he saw it, to have fun with the superstitious lot that made up Respuria's population. It was he who said the turtles were quite dangerous, that he had seen them clean the meat off the bones of a bull in a matter of minutes. It had just so happened, luckily for Ted, that a bull's skull was found near a pond where some turtles favored, and so his tale was believed.
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