Do you think you could survive on an island, by yourself, for four years? There's no wild life, so you only would have fish that you catch, if you can catch it, and coconuts to eat. Also the odd crab that comes along. I don't know if I could.
I'm pretty sure if there were such a thing as time travel, most of the North American culture wouldn't be able to survive back in the ...well let's even say the early 1900's. I think I could survive that... but on my own? And in the middle of undeveloped country? Then again maybe not, and I'd like to think of myself as a little more experienced in the grounds of wilderness survival than the average city person.
I'd like to develop some kind of testing that would be able to figure out how long a person could survive for. It would take into account the person's upbringing, know-how, and so on, and then would plot it against whatever circumstances one might face. So then you would be able to calculate how long each individual would be able to survive for and under which circumstances they'd have the best/worst chances to make it through.
Right well, I'ma go sleep in my nice comfy bed and be thankful for what I've got.
Here's the WOTD:
Enervate - (vb) to lessen the strength or vigor of : weaken in mind or body
Landscape stretching out
Miles of terrain surround
Which way should I go?
For four year? I'm not sure. How come there isn't wild life? Is that even possible? I'm sure there would be vegetables and fruits to eat, I bet. And I'd probably suck at fishing at first, but I'd hopefully get better at it with time. And as long as the weather is comfortable, I think I'd be ok. I wouldn't do well living in the 1900s in the freezing cold, but on a tropical island, I'd be cool.
And thanks for the tip for my post, I've changed it, and I'm sure it will now meet your approval.
The island survival came about because of Cast Away. Those are the circumstances he had to face and that was for how long he was there, so I just said 'if that were you, could you do it?'. Have you seen the movie Cast Away? If not I'd recommend it.
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