3! 2! -Oh... I missed it by a minute. Is this how the New Year is starting? Crap! Stupid 2009. Thinks it can catch me a minute late! I'll show you! I'll freeze myself for one minute and then bam! I've gotten back at 2009.
Okay, so until then... What does 2009 bring for yours truly? Besides a minute late.
- more dancing? Maybe if a band I like finally comes to Saskatoon.
- less calories? Maybe if they make... low fat... something I like, but they don't label it as such so I don't have a way of knowing and thereby eat it anyways. Oh, maybe I'll burn off the calories because of all the dancing I'll do going to concerts! Huzzah for the shopkeep!
- more openness towards others
Oh! There goes a firework!
- less complaining
- more discipline
- less heartbroken ladies by declaring myself on the market? Sure, I can takes it. Bring on those millions of phone calls and e-mails, ladies, I'm open for it.
Man, I just got my first prank phone call of 2009. That's like... some kind of record I bet! Only 14 minutes after midnight.
- more card making and sending
- less indecision
- more patience
- less un-recyclable waste
- more eating at home
- less pop
... Okay, I was going to try and do 24 of these babies, but I just can't think and celebrate the New Year at the same time. Also, I want to make resolutions that I can actually keep or try hard to keep. None of this "less war" "more peace" stuff. Besides, 12/24 is good enough for me. What would you rather have? 12/12 resolutions kept, or 12/24 resolutions kept?
Time to post this baby! Oh? a New Year's haiku? Okay.
New Year Haiku:
Fireworks flying
Cheering around the world
Yesteryear's tunes play.
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