I forget what the one guarantee in life is, I think maybe it's "that there are no guarantee's", and that's to prove a point... but I say that the one guarantee in life is that it is always nice to get out of the cold or come in from the heat.
There is no denying that the body feels relief when the A/C is blowing on a hot day, or when there's a fire going on a cold day. Sure there are people in the world that like it hot or cold, but no body can go without relief in one form or another.
My favorite way to try and beat the heat is with a big slurpee as I sit in my house and read a book. Right now I'm reading 'Hood' by Stephen Lawhead, and I've got to suggest it to you if you like Robin Hood at all. Or even if it's just a good Celtic story you're looking for. Next I think I'll read... probably I'll get back into the world of Jack Aubrey. I'm talking about the books by Patrick O'Brian. I'm only one the second book, which is 'Post Captain'. I really like the world that O'Brian creates for Jack. I can watch that movie often.
How I like to escape from the cold most is wrap up in a blanket and again, either read a book, or watch a movie. Or take a nap I guess. There's not really a food or drink that I make to keep me warm on a cold day. I'll drink hot chocolate or some kind of sweet tea, but I don't really make it for myself unless I've got a cold. Even then it's more just to help get rid of my illness rather than a help in defeating the weather. I guess I'm just not programmed that way. Or rather... if they made a ...hot? slurpee I'd be more obliged to ...call upon it's powers.
I never would have thought about just how great it is to come in from the cold/heat. I was just thinking yesterday about how I can't even remember the last time I woke up and didn't have to immediately put a sweatshirt on. I would much rather be sweating than shivering, that's for damn sure.
I'm the same with you about the tea - I only drink it when I'm sick, and that's either to help my sore throat, or because I've heard it's good for me. I wish I liked tea for its awesome super powers, but I do not.
I was just reading my blog, and I found a comment you left me that I never read. It was instructions for porridge and oatmeal (I don't even know what porridge it - I just know that they eat it in the 3 Bears story). Anyway, here's what you said: "As for the oatmeals… slash porridge, first take your porridge out of the package, or if you’re using oatmeal… well just take the stuff and put it in a bowl. Boil up yourself some waters. The next steps can either be done before or after the waters are added, but the point is that you add brown sugar and raisins and mix it all up. Once that is done and you’re all ready to eat it, add some milk, just like cereal… but not too much. Or you could use cream but I think you’re probably not into cream."
Now, how much water do I add to the oatmeal? And then how much milk? When I have cereal, I add half a cup. Would that be the same amount? So you're saying, put oatmeal in a bowl. Then, add boiling water to the bowl. Stir in brown sugar and raisins. Then, add milk. Right?
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