I suppose growing old wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take so long. This is of course, the child of impatience, and I think that it's safe to say most people would agree that waiting is the hardest part in anything. But then of course, time ticking away isn't so bad when it is being savoured. When a person comes to a point in their lives they fully enjoy, it is only natural for a longing to develop which speaks for that moment to live on without ceasing. So then, the opposite and I think also the middle is also true, but there is still exception for the middle ground. The difference of the middle ground is that you can't wait until you reach a goal, but you're also glad for the passing of the hardships it took to get you where you are.
For example, as a student you are taking classes to achieve the gaining of knowledge, which is needed (as far as society dictates) to come into a fulfilling career. You might not like the studying for exams, the writing of countless papers and the reading of countless books, but once you graduate you feel the fullness of your achievements. You then look for where you might find the best place to live out your career.
As we know, from what life teaches us, this is not always how life pans out. Things go wrong, in a different direction, or we simply change our minds (especially without proper direction of passion, or perhaps passions change).
All this to say that I wish I were in a career where I find my passions fulfilled or at least sated. What keeps me from this longing being answered? I presume lack of experience, but also the lack of willingness, on their part, to train me. Hopefully all this lack can be made up for sometime in the future and I can realise those dreams, but until then I have to wait.
Nascent - (adj) coming into existence : beginning to grow or develop
Color blossoming
Flourish into pleasant smell
Appease my dull eyes.
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