Here's an alternative ending to yesterday's blog:
"Should you come across and angry man,
Please do try what you can,
To wish him bliss and happiness,
But do not talk of the botanist."
So for today I decided, on this Family Day, that I would think about the meaning of family, it's purpose. And here's what I concluded, it's a good thing. Yes, this is just a lead into Martha Stuart. Okay, it was an acident but when I was flicking between the channels I saw that Martha had Emeril Lagasse on her show. I would have thought he was better than that. It's not like his show isn't on the air anymore... Oh, maybe he's dying and perhaps one of the items on that list is to do a good deed for a convicted fellon. Well that's good of Emeril, thinking of those bad peoples. I suppose they deserve happiness... just because they're human.
No, I don't like Martha and probably never will, and not just because of her criminalism. I suppose I have to give her credit for that catch phrase "I'm not a crook" Oh wait... that was Nixon.
Today it snowed all day. Not much of a heavy snow, just a light snow. I suppose all the acumilated snow could have added up to a 10 minute heavy snow... none-the-less it is still the most snow we've seen for a while. I'll be creative tomorrow.
Kiln - (n) a heated enclosure (as an oven) for processing substance by burning, firing, or drying
Flight of the Conchords
Fight inner city pressure
Off to Wispy Woods.
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