The human body is a complex thing.
That isn't entirely what this blog is about though. I'm more writing about the changes a body can under-go and that I don't like all of them. The one change I do like is the maturity my taste buds develop.
There are things in this world that my tongue didn't appreciate when I was a kid, but it has come to greatly enjoy now. One example of this is sushi. Before, it was all complainy and also my mind was freaked out about raw fish, but now I'm like, why couldn't I have come to like this sooner? Not that it's too late for me now... I think it's more that I'd like to have been enjoying sushi for a longer period of my life.
I can't really remember, but I don't think I've come across a sushi I didn't like, yet. I'm afraid to add that "yet" but I doubt I've tasted a tenth of the sushi out there, so it's not like I can completely say that I like all sushi.
Also I really like the development of my ears. Before there were only certain types of music I would go for, but now I've got quite a pastiche of genre's under my musical belt. It's not just that I have this wonderful pastiche, it's that my tastes have become broadened but also refined. I'm more able to pick out bad music and stay away from it.
This is not to say that I'm fair to all genre's... but then also that is not to say that all genre's deserve fairness. I try not to dismiss or accept a band because of their genre, but it still happens. Just not nearly as much as before.
Forsythia - (n) any of a genus of shrubs related to the olive and having yellow bell-shaped flowers appearing before the leaves in early spring
Vanilla swirl
My Coke sings with great delight
Bring her back to me!
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