Okay so I was going to write today's blog while I still had to pee, but the more I thought about if I could last or how quick I'd have to type or how long I could type for, and what I'd type about while I really had to go... I just couldn't hold it. The pressure was too immense, it was too much of a strain on my body, the weight of the need to pee was too heavy, the seconds were too long and far in between and one minute seemed like it might last a year, the urgency was becoming too much to bare! I just had to go and there was nothing that could stop me, not even the good idea of writing under pressure.
After, there was much relief. So then I thought, but what about writing under pressure? This is no good! I can't just have imaginary pressure, if I could work under that sort of thinking, I probably would have done better in school. I thought, maybe if I imagine the internet is about to be cut off and the last thing I'd want the world to know is in this blog! But then I thought if that were true, how could they access what I had written? So that didn't work. Or maybe there was some kind of contest where if you wrote a full on blog in the next few minutes you'd win a prize. But then I could only think of what kind of prizes there might be for such a contest and if there was a choice between prizes which would I choose? The Lazy Boy relining chair? The trip to Winnipeg? The gift card to Wendy's?
Now instead of a blog written under pressure, you get a blog about the lack of pressure because I just couldn't hold it in. It's good and bad, and the fight is between my body and my mind. My body is thankful for the relief but my mind is disappointed from the lack of creative muse.
Obloquy - (n) 1. strongly condemnatory utterance or language 2. bad repute: disgrace (syn) dishonor, shame, infamy, disrepute, ignominy
Beating with a sock
Warm, fresh out of the dryer
Barely felt at all.
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