Ever wanted to try something different? Do something you've never done before? I'm sure there might be a list forming, or perhaps there has been one forming for years and you're slowly picking away at that list. Or what about acting in a different manor or having different behavior or talking a different way? It could even be as simple as wearing different clothes or combing your hair different. Or maybe you want to listen to different kinds of music.
Whatever there may be in your life, is there something holding you back? Are you waiting for the right time in your life? Do you think such a prospect needs to wait until you're in your 40's? Perhaps you're afraid of what others may say or think. Or maybe there's been someone in your life that changed this, that, or the other about their life and the people around them reacted poorly and so that's dissuaded you from causing changes in your own life. It could be that the thing holding you back is that you can't think of anything original enough. You want to do something that no one has thought of before, but history is so varied that it's hard to come up with something. Or maybe you've come up with something but it's so extreme to you that you don't think you could pull it off. Or maybe you think you wouldn't do the idea justice that you just don't act upon it. You would like nothing more to see this act come to fruition... but just not through yourself.
Maybe it's time for you to step out of your comfort zone, to get away from your fears of what people may think, or to just pick an idea and try it on for size. Does it really have to be completely original? History does repeat itself, so it's not like anyone wouldn't blame you, and besides, if the idea is "fresh" enough, it doesn't really matter if someone in the past did it before, in fact it would be a tribute and people would love you for it. Probably.
It could be that you're thinking that everyone seems to go through so many changes these days that you don't want to be another "change around Sam". You're perfectly okay with how you are and besides change only leads to catastrophe.
For myself, I think I'm one of those who says they like themselves just the way they are. Not that I'm opposed to change and in fact I've made changes in my life... they might not be profound but they're enough to keep me going. Or maybe I've tried changing and it's only turned out for the not so awesome and so I've left change well enough alone. What I do know is that I admire what Andy Kaufman tried to do, and did do, for comedy and general show business.
Okay, WOTD:
Cetacean - (n) any of an order of aquatic mostly marine mammals that includes whales, porpoises, dolphins, and related forms
Rose petals falling
Blown to and fro on the wind
Reach out to catch it.
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