What if, one day, the internet disappeared? You flick on your computer, and whatever program you might have that would automatically start up (msn for example) didn't. You might assume there was a problem with the connection, so then either you try everything on your end to fix the problem or you phone your internet provider. It's only then that you'd realize that you're not the only one. Not because a representative or a tech person told you, but because the phone line is busy.
At most you think the connection is out for the block or neighborhood or whatever, but you wouldn't think it's a worldwide problem. You probably wouldn't think it's a nationwide problem, or even just a citywide problem. But it is. It is worldwide and no hacker in the 'verse can do a thing about it. Do you think that would create a problem? Yeah, more than a few.
Did you know that just over half of North Americans rely on the internet for work, for their career? That is a multimillion person problem. Worldwide I'd say it's a problem for at least two, maybe three billion people. That's crazy big.
So next time you go to read your e-mail, just remember to stop taking the internet for granted. Do you even remember what life was like before the internet? On February 20th, show the internet how much you appreciate it. Join the festivities, today.
1 comment:
You know what would be even weirder? If you woke up, and all internet related things were gone... Fire Fox wasn't on your computer, neither was your way of downloading music, or any other programs. And then you'd say, "Whoa, what the hell?" And you'd ask around, and people would say "What's the Internet?"
Oh my god! It was like NO ONE knew what the internet was, and you're thinking "What the hell is wrong with you people! It's this way to connect to things online, and there's the world wide web, and the computers can talk to each other..." and everyone thinks you're crazy.
Wouldn't THAT be weird?
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