The inevitable.
Something that is going to happen whether you want it to or not and there's not a darn thing you can do about it, probably. So then if something is going to happen anyways, I might as well accept it and embrace it like a manly man.
Yes, I'm a macho man. I'm also talking about snow. Ugh and shudder and filth, but I'm sad to say that the warm weather is gone, at least until January or February.
I think that October and November are the coldest months, especially October and only because the cold comes rudely, so it seems especially cold. Just last week or so we had fair weather and the week before that was nice, but now warm has gone on vacation and cold is here to kick some butt. The ship has sailed. The switch has been flipped. The box is opened. The door is closed. Sally has gone with the Whetherbee's. The cake is finished. The iceman cometh. Old man winter is on our doorstep, ringing the doorbell and asking to come and steal away our happiness, but are we going to let him do it freely?! Hell no! I say we stand up and fight! Fight for your right to be warm and cosy! We won't go down calmly or lay down our arms until we're dead or if you're annoyingly persistent! Down with cold! Down with cold! Down with cold!
Here's the WOTD:
Vacuous - (adj) 1. empty, vacant, blank 2. dull, stupid, inane
Get your riot gear
Torches and pitchforks held high
Hot enough for you?
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