Collecting stuff.
I don't know if everybody collects something, or if it is rather that as a kid everybody collected something but now that they're older, it's just not cool to collect something anymore... or if it is all just a matter of personality. This is probably one of those "feedback blogs", or rather I'd be interested in hearing about what you collect or used to collect.
For myself, there are quite a few things that I collect or used to collect because I've always been a bit of a pack rat. I actually did a paper on pack rats because I felt close to them (in grade 5).
I think the most popular thing for collecting is rocks. Rocks are always something you collect at some point in your life, mostly as a kid. I don't know but I might still have a couple rocks that I had picked up. Mostly because they're a good skipping stone or because of what they're made up of.
Other things I used to collect are: hockey, baseball, football, basketball, and super hero cards, Pogs, paper clips, bottle caps, candy wrappers, action figures, stickers, and posters.
What I still collect is as follows: Pez, comic books, novels, Jones labels and caps, movies, desktops/wallpapers and other such pictures, and matchbooks.
I'm tired so no Word Of The Day or haiku. It was hard enough coming up with those lists. Enjoy life already.
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