Acting pretendous.
We've all done it once or twice, some of us in a day, but at one point or another in your life you have probably pretended in a serious situation.
What I'm talking about is that ...maybe someone's talking about something you know nothing about but you pretend that you do because you want to be able to relate to them. Or maybe no one knows anything about something so you pretend that you do and precede to talk about it as though it's been ingrained in you all your life, as if it's just another pair of socks out of the dryer. Or maybe you pretend you know how to do a job but really you don't and you really should have left that open heart surgery to the professionals. That reminds me of Catch Me If You Can. That was a great movie.
So the point of this is: where do you draw the line of when pretending becomes lying, or is pretending nothing but lies? I know that we associate pretending with kids and since kids are innocent, up to a point, pretending is innocent as well. Or you could call it "playing make believe" if pretending sounds too pretentious. Oh the ethics of small things.
Is pretending just another way of making small white lies? "But it's all just harmless fun, what's the big ta'do?"
"Oh sure, it's all harmless fun until someone pays you to pretend you're Grandma." Then what are you going to do? Say you're just pretending? I don't think so pal, you're stuck making cookies and pies and going to bingo and playing bridge. Don't forget to take your medicine and watch Wheel of Fortune at way too loud!
Yeah that's right, I went there.
Acanthus - (n) 1. any of a genus of prickly herbs of the Mediterraneean region 2. an ornamentation (as on a column) representing the leaves of the acanthus
Try not to forget
Images from dream slipping
Write it down quickly.
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