Whether for business or pleasure or family, everyone has done so at least once in their life. Some like to travel, others don't. Some have done it far too often that they've become indifferent to it.
Many dream of traveling to far off countries, or even just to explore their own in greater detail. I think that with the invention of the transporter, people have unfairly called it a abomination.
They were created to get from one place to another in an instant but there's so many people complaining about how transporting cuts out the scenery and the visits to small towns... Well the small town thing I can understand because they're too poor to get transporters and the lack of people out on the road means less business in small towns which means people have to move to the city to get a job. As for cutting out the scenery, that's why there are various organizations getting together to put transporters out at viewpoints, just like an information point.
The biggest help transporters have offered is cutting down on emissions, and that's saving the environment. With fewer cars and buses and planes out and about, that's cut emissions in half, if not more. And with companies investing in industrial sized transporters that means semi-trucks will be off the road and that's cutting down emissions even further.
So what's more important? Saving the environment or keeping small towns alive? Many people would say saving small towns, and I think I can mostly agree. I think that transporters should not be limited to the big cities, spread the wealth to the little guys! You think it would be too expensive to have at least one transporter in every town? Think of all the money saved on gas, let alone the cost for building commercial planes, trains and automobiles.
Contrail - (n) a streak of condensed water vapor created by an airplane or rocket at high altitudes
Like swimming circles
So are the days of our lives
All wet and dizzy.
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