I don't know if I should just keep adding "and" in my titles. What do you the reader think? Tell us and we'll send you a ...piece of ...Lime Trio pie. I uh... I don't know what Lime Trio pie consists of. It's in the mail.
Okay but here's a funny link I'll send your way. I like the titles of the books and the picture made me have laughing.
Onwards good friends, on over to the tree stump! Gather around and Ol' Grandpa Dave will tell you a story! Yay!
Now listen here you youngin's, OGD's got somethin' to tell atchya. We've come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good. I have ta, celebrate you baby. I have to praise you like I shouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul-
Oh, that was a song by what we used to call a "DJ". That stood for "disc jockey" and back in my day they would play what we called "records". Now don't let the title fool you, it wasn't that we was keeping track of anything, it was a round object we used to play music on. Nowadays you got your mp3's and all the music is digital. Well back in my day computers certainly weren't personal, let alone carry around. Couldn't just pick up your fancy iPod, stick in some headphones and let your hippity hop play, you had to go out to what we called a "music store" and pick up these "records". Soon the "record" turned into an "eight track" then a "cassette tape", and later there were "cd's" now, some of your pappies might remember the "cd", which stood for "compact disc".
Where was I? Oh yes, there was this "DJ" named Fatboy Slim, and now this Fatboy Slim, he had these "records" he would play on his "turn table" machine. Then all the kiddies would dance to the music, which came out of these big boxes we call "speakers", much like your headphones but much much bigger. Now Fatboy Slim wasn't the only "DJ" out there, but he sure knew how to pack a house. People liked to shake their booties, that's what we called our behinds back then, and the young hipsters would all get down with it. I'm not quite sure what "it" is, because I was never "down with it". See, back then white people didn't have what was called "soul" and were never good at dancing to the "hippity hop". We just like to dress like we was able and we even listened to that music. Some would call that being a "poser" but we was fine or "down", as the kids said it, with that.
That little diddy I started out with? Well that was one of the songs Fatboy Slim liked to "cover". It was in my head and so I just started typing it out as it went along. I'ma give you the WOTD now:
Bacteriophage - (n) any of various viruses that attack specific bacteria
Loud music pumping
Shaking to the left and right
Chance to do a dance.
Well, first of all, I think that "one hundred" is two words, not one. And yes, I would go with no "and."
Why not just solve all your problems and just write "110" and "111"?
Second of all, I realise Onehundred is actually One Hundred, but that's the way I'm writing it. Also, I don't think numbers would be appropriate and would hurt the feelings of writing it out.
Oh man, you write "realise" like British people do. That's hilarious! (not really hilarious, but interesting. Because I spell it "realize" which is the lame-o United Statesian way of spelling).
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