Rockin' out.
It has been something man was meant to do since the dawn of time. Before rock and roll was made however, what was it that took place of the rocking out? I suppose it was just energy not used, hence the reason for um... probably something useless or now obsolete because it was not what the force of rocking out intended.
Why is rocking out so important? Well let me tell you, it's very important if you consider all the consequences. I mean... you could take a chance and see what not rocking out does to someone who's all the time rocking out, but I wouldn't suggest that unless you're an adrenaline junkie.
What's that you say? What if you have never rocked out in your life, or hardly ever? Is there something wrong with you? Yes. Yes there is and there's no if's and's or but's about it. You're denying a part of your brain to develop and causing it to die. Remember that time something bad happened to you? That's because you haven't been rocking out enough.
Do you have to listen to rock music to rock out? Rock is not the only type of music that allows for the rocking out, but it is the main genre. Other genre's that allow for the rocking out are: punk, metal, alternative, ska, hard rock, probably some kinds of techno, and also maybe some kinds of hip-hop.
How often do I rock out? Well there's truly rocking out where you're right at the heart of rocking out, and there's rocking out while doing some kind of task, so that form of rocking out is more in your head whereas the former rocking out involves your whole being. To answer the question, I rock out every day. The real question is how often do I truly rock out. Uh... not as often as I'd like.
So remember kids: rock, rock out!
Middling - (adj) 1. of middle, medium, or moderate size, degree, or quality 2. mediocre
Made up in your head
Red balloon floating over
Don't ever let go.
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