I don't know what mascot was the first mascot, but I bet you it was for sports. If it wasn't for sports then it was for marketing purposes and I don't see how it transitioned into sports from business. I can see two business guys going to a baseball game trying to come up with a new way of attracted business, seeing the mascot and thinking that's a good idea... or maybe the first mascot could have been for a restaurant and the two guys are having a burger so they think it's a good idea.
Also the baseball team goes out to have a burger and um... the pitcher's little brother has been annoying him to let him join the team but he's no good at baseball. The boy's mother keeps pestering the pitcher to let the brother take some kind of position because since father died the boy's really needed someone to look up to and big brother's basically it... so then while the team is at the restaurant, the pitcher thinks up a way for his brother to be in the team but not actually play. That could make some kind of a movie ...proud.
You know, I'ma look it up. Okay well... Wiki only gives the origin for the word and not how it started out to be people dressed up and which was the first. I know I could probably look somewhere other than the ol' Wik. but I just don't feel like it.
I wonder what the mascot for my blog would be. Probably the Hamburglar. Probably.
Here's the WOTD:
Promulgate - (vb) to make known or put into force by open declaration
Eating beautiful
Texture dancing on my tongue
Can't help but smile.
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