Thursday, July 10, 2008


Which reminds me, people who are over-eager are very annoying. No less than three people on the same bus today, when I was coming home, rang the bell for the next stop right as we left the stop. The worst was this lady who didn't think there was another stop between hers and the current one when actually there was one. I know you're anxious to get to your destination but will waiting until you're a block away from your stop hurt you? The second worst lady, or I mean passenger, got off at my stop but she rung the bell 3 big blocks away, I'm talking about a minute and a half ride. There's a long stretch between the last stop and the one in front of my place where you can easily wait until you're around the corner before ringing the bell, which gives the bus driver plenty of time and notice.

Sigh. I'm not just saying this because it's annoying, but also because there's a chance that if you ring the bell too early, the bus driver might go past the stop. There are some days when the bus driver is very distracted, either talking to a passenger or because they're daydreaming or on the phone or whatever they might occupy themselves with (which I can totally understand because you're going to need something to make the job seem not so bad or enjoyable). Basically, your bus driver could be distracted on any given day, so do your best to be a good passenger, especially if that's your only mode of transportation, but even more especially if that's the only mode of transportation because you choose it to be. Just because you pay the fair doesn't mean the bus is yours to run and that you get special privileges or treatment.

No, the customer is not always right because that "policy" has been around far too long with far too many people taking advantage of that for it to even apply. Frankly I'm mostly sick of customers because of the way they figure they should be treated. Shopping has too much of a "we're customers so treat us like royalty because if it wasn't for us, you'd have no business" mentality to it. I highly doubt any business would really die out because of a few snobby high maintenance customers not doing their business (figuratively and literally). Well I suppose the figurative part would be that they do their business... well they're just full of crap is all.

Anyway, enough ranting about how I don't like people who think they're the center of things, and the be-all end-all to anything. Like they're so important and I'm such a trend setter so listen to me and do what I say and act like me and me, me, MEEEE! I believe Brian Regan named them best as "me monsters".

Okay, for real this time. I'm going away for the weekend with no internets, but I am going to take my laptop and write up in Word as if I'm bloggin' then once I get back home I'll post each blog on it's respective day? Uh... maybe Monday will be a three day blog. Or rather a three blog day. Man, could you handle a three day blog? I don't think you could. Me? I just need to start complaining and I could do it no problem.

Pizza illusion
Calling out mocking me
Denying my slice.

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