Money. Do you think that someday we're going to have "credits" or some kind of universal money? No more coins, no more bills, just a card that you swipe. Will it even be your bank or credit card anymore? Or are they going to invent some kind of hover card that just works for everything? I think if they're going to do that, it might as well hover, and it better have glowing lights underneath so that it'd be like this cool racing hover card. Hey, if we're not going to make flying cars anytime soon, might as well have something else. Although, maybe it wouldn't be a good idea, having your money hover around. And who's to say how high it can go? That would do you no good if you just happen to let go of your card and it goes flying off! What do they expect us to do about that if they're not going to provide jet packs! Man, the nerve of these hover banks. Just cause they're so universal. "Oh look at me with me hover bank and fancy hover card with glow lights underneath. I'm so pretty and important and importantly pretty!" Man alive.
But you know what bugs me? Why can't they have real pool balls in
Firefly? They had real pool sticks, why not real balls? Sure it's fancy to make it all hologrammy but it's not like they'd have been some kind of precious commodity. If the problem is that people steal them too often, well I guess, but is that really a problem in the future? People stealing pool balls? If so, why not just have a security wall like they have for guns, but this one is for pool balls. That way they're not stolen.
Sigh. The problems that rack my brain and keep me up at night.
And now for today's haiku:
Little white blossums
Favoured by the bumble bees
Make me sweet honey.

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