Or at least it could be better if I didn't have to work and I could get together with friends with fireworks. But at least I have tomorrow off and a good imagination. Not to say that I'll need to imagine being with my friends, but that I'll have to imagine it is the 30th today and tomorrow is the first. Sigh.
It's too bad I haven't been working somewhere for years and now is my vacation time. Not to say that I haven't enjoyed having the weekends off that I've asked for, but that I wouldn't mind having a car to drive around in, visiting strange and distant houses, eating exotic foods and writing books about my journey. Yeah, many books about one journey. They'd each be done in a different perspective and each would have a surprisingly twisted ending but that would be nothing compared to the middle of each book, cause other wise if it were just the end that was different, people would just read the last few chapters. But if they did that, they'd have read the whole book because there's no way my attention would last more than a few chapters a book.
Hey you know what wouldn't be too bad? Writing a story from the perspective of a car. Now of course, it'd have to be a car owned by the mob or something, but still... you could do it and it'd be a fun read. Or like, the car belongs to a girl who runs a flower shop, but then a mob member or a gangster or ...oh! Even better, you could write a series from one car's perspective and it keeps getting stolen so then every book it belongs to one or two different owners. That would be a sweet story. There would be so many possibilities.

Oh, and that doesn't mean I like the movie Cars. It was alright but uh... that wasn't even in my mind when I came up with this idea. Yeah, I was thinking something a whole lot better than Cars.
Shining bright and blue
Bits of white scattered through-out
Encompass the whole.
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