Friday, July 25, 2008


So I bought two of Queen's greatest hits albums a week ago and I've been listening to them fairly often because they're really good. Also though, I had been thinking that it was too bad I couldn't have grown up when they were making their career, but at the same time I would be stuck in that era probably, telling kids their music sucks... well more than I do now, and I'd probably miss out on the bands I love right now. One part of me wishes I could have seen Queen in concert back in the day, but then the other part says, ya but you'd only be there for Queen (most likely) so would I really want to live a decade earlier for Queen? I'm sure there are those of you out there that are all about the 70's or like... don't mind being in your 30's right now but uh... I'm not sure about that. It doesn't matter, really I'm just saying that I really enjoy Queen. But not their hair. You might be all like "but their hair's classic and crap" but no, that was the worst part of the 70's and 80's and early 90's for me. Gross hair. That'd normally be the spot where I add a link or picture, but I really don't want to find a picture of gross hair.

Hhokay, new topic: um... I can't think of one. I'lls make up a haiku:

Icecream sunday taste
Hair like banana peels
Cherry chapstick lips.

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