I think my first instinct would be that I'd like to be of many uses. I don't know if I'd like to be giant or regular size or somewhere in between, but I'm also not sure if I'd follow my instinct and choose to perform many functions. The only thing about being able to perform only one task is that if that task ever stops being needed, well then there'd be no further use of me. But then, if I was reprogrammable, that'd be different. But then if my other function required me to be smaller or bigger, well I'd have to be able to change my size. But really, how to you make something only so big become very big? I suppose one could say that when one is contemplating robots and the many possibilities there-in, stuff of physics doesn't matter. I would however, like to make some kind of a plausible suggestion.
What about yourself? What kind of robot do you think would suite yourself, or that you would want to be. Yes, if you read this entry I would ask that you have more involvement than your previous readings as I have only one comment, and that from my sister. Not to discount it in anyway, but I would hope that of all people family would post. No, of course you have a perfect amount of say in whether you would post or not, but I would ask that you do as this seems to me to be a fun suggestion on which to comment on.
So for myself, what kind of robot would I be? Well I suppose I'd like to go with my instinct and say that I would be of many functions and many sizes, so as for the lack of limitations. Personally I feel that is how a lot of people would choose as we being human often feel limited and held back from our true potential or our created potential.
As for what functions I'd perform... well I've always wanted to be able to project music, more like a discman but a human discman. So then I'd be able to play whatever music I download, so I'd be wireless, have built-in speakers of supreme quality, and wouldn't need a jumpdrive, although I'd have a port built in just in case. Another function I'd like is a built-in flight system. Preferably something that didn't ...you know I could just say I'd like to be Iron Man and that'd solve a lot. I don't know why I didn't think of that until I was thinking about what kind of flight system I'd have, but there it is. I'd like to be Iron Man. I'd probably have the suite more tailored to myself, but I don't really know what I'd add mainly because I don't know all of what he has. And I'm done.
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