Do you think Santa would have, if he existed, the latest and greatest in
technology? That wouldn't mean his elves would be cut out of the picture, it'd just mean they'd be engineers instead of carpenters. They'd use welding torches instead of wooden hammers. That's the first option for Santa's workshop. The second would be the traditional, and the third would be a mix of both. There would be the carpenters working on the kiddy toys and the engineers working on all the
technology ...oh! There's that word again. If you think about it, the third option is probably the most logical because you would have to stick with the traditional idea for Santa to really work, but to
really work you'd need Santa to have elves that would be heading the world's
technology. How else do people get palm pilots and game systems as presents?
Well, since there's no such thing as Santa ...sorry Roger.

Ahem, as I was saying... since there's no such thing as Santa, ... I uh... I forgot what I was going to say. Pants!
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