Hhokay so, here's the plan:
Mr. Red, you take the back entrance with Mrs. Blue. Mr. Black and Mrs. Yellow take the west entrance. Mr. Pink and Mrs. Green cover the east entrance. Mrs. Orange, you're with me we cover the front. We only get three water balloons each, so make sure they count.
"Champion of today, falling off the wings of yesterday
Hunt for tomorrow's nest, careful not to make a sound
You will try your very best, but tomorrow cannot be found
The only way you'll come across it is when it is already upon you
By then it will be too late for today will slip away
And you will no longer be the champion of today."
They will try to take it from you but you must step up and stop them. You are armed and partnered up. It is your duty to keep each other alert and ready for any occurrence. We have trained for too long and too hard to mess this up. The world is counting on us, which is a big burden to carry but we are bigger than that burden and strong enough not to let the world down. We can do this. Now roll out!
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