Food. It is what drives us as humans. There's that saying "Animals eat to live, humans live to eat". It's true, food is delicious and we are driven by what brings us pleasure. There are many ways in which food can be prepared... uh hold on, there's a song I don't know on my computer. Oh nope, it's Pancreas by Weird Al. Man that guy's name sure fits. ...gross.
Okay, back to food. I uh... I'm finding it hard to write with this song. I'll have to wait until it's done. I'll find a picture in the meantime. See, this is a bit what I mean. This picture of a breakfast, a happy breakfast. Do animals make play with their food and make it all picture nice? Hecks, we even dress up as food.

We've got food from all sorts of countries in one city so that you don't have to travel to those countries and suffer from too much exposure to their cultures. But you know what I'm still waiting for? A fast food Indian restaurant, or if you want to be PC about it Indoamerican. Either way, I want my curried rice and chicken, and I want it fast! Drive though, or drive thru. Why aren't there any drive through oriental places? It's always take out or delivery or in the mall.
That's another thing we drive (live) for, shopping. We have shopping malls that we're shopping for so long that we get hungry, but we don't want to leave the mall and go home to eat, we want to eat at the mall so that after we eat we can continue our shopping. But I do like the food court, don't get me wrong because some malls, that's all I really go there for. Hecks, more than half the shops in the mall are for women anyway, what do I need them for? I don't have a girlfriend. There were a couple food courts in Calgary, mainly on the NE side, with restaurants whose only location in the city was in the food court, and they had really good Vietnamese food.
What am I aiming at? I love food, but sometimes there's just too much of it around. Oh wait! What my real point is, is this: If America loves food so much, why hasn't the Replicator from Star Trek been made? That would be something I'd buy for the home. Okay I'm done.
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