Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I like having a tv show on while eating lunch. It all started with the Flintstones. This show was on during the noon hour at my school from kindergarten until grade For some reason I don't remember it being on in grade eight, but I could be wrong. Maybe I didn't watch it much because my friends and I would go to someone's house for lunch. Usually Matthew or Jason's house because they were close and their parents didn't mind.

I've started watching Friends again because of my free rentabilities and I've grown to watching them during my lunch hour. It's something to look forward to, which I think I need at that time of the day. It'd have to be a half hour show because hour long shows are too long for a lunch hour. I'd have to start it just as I got home and it would end just as I would have to leave, or most likely just before I have to leave, so that just wouldn't work out. So it's a good think I finished watching Heroes season one before this.

Hold on, I'ma get Jones. I'm jonesin' for a Jones. As you can tell, I likes the Wiki.

Okay, Friends is a show I like to watch because you can really just tune in to any episode and there's your fun for half an hour. The same can be said of Seinfeld, another favorite, but I tend to like Seinfeld over friends because of it's more ...maturity than Friends. Also Friends has a "chick flick" kind of feel to it. I like both shows and they share the same paragraph because they both feel like you're opening the door to people's lives and this is what's going on right now, right at this moment. I'm sure you could say that about other shows, 24 for example... but Friends and Seinfeld are more about nothing rather than something, such as Heroes and 24.

Back to my main train of thought: eating and watching tv. This is probably a horrid thought to many, but very much the thing to do with so many more. I really liked how, at my school, they'd bring in the tv.. oh first, everyone between grades 1-8 would gather in the gym for lunch. Kindergartners ate in their classroom but even then I think the tv was brought in, maybe not.

Anyway, we'd all watch the Flintstones during lunch and well, it was hard to get away from that habit. When my sister and I would go out to my grandparent's farm, we'd always ask if we could watch the Flintstones during lunch, instead of sit around the table with everyone else. Not that we didn't care for the company but because we enjoyed Flintstones with lunch. It was alsost like watching Flintstones was a comfort. We just couldn't miss out. Sigh. Now you have to buy Flintstones to enjoy them, or have cable or satellite for Teletoon Retro.

I'm done.

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