Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Standardlessness. What I mean by this is that there isn't enough of a standard on how much money items should be worth, whether it be food, clothing, furniture, or etc...
What do you mean Dave, this place's prices are pretty close to that place's prices.
Ha! That's just because of competition. Places mostly keep their prices set based on the competition. They might have bulk of that item, so they can afford to lower the prices a bit, or they may have a slightly higher quality of the item so they "can" raise the price a little, but mainly stores want to stay just a little bit ahead of the competition.
What I want is that the um... not competition says "beef of this quality is worth this much", "vegetables of this quality are worth this much", "shirts of this material and the quality of each material is worth this much". Basically just match the price to the quality of the product and I'm happy.
But no, we've got to change the prices based on who's name is on it and what class the product is geared towards. Is that the way it should be? You can afford to pay this much (or rather, we convinced you that you can afford this because you want to be cool and if you're going to be cool you have to have this and the only way you can have this is if you pay so much for it) or the guy who made children make the product thinks his product is far superior to the competition and is deciding to charge too much for the product, and he can afford to because children are making it and they work for a chance to play in the mud.
Man, I should go into one of those corporations kicking and biting and swinging my fists and if they get in my way, I can't help it. I'll do that every day until they ...call the cops. Well I guess that would only last for one day so ...it'd have to be some kind of blackmail or sneeky clever bit that they don't notice until there's nothing they can do but shut down! Ah ha!
Okay so the WOTD is:
Anathema - (n) 1. a solemn curse 2. a person or thing accursed; also: one intensely disliked
The haiku for today is:
Blueprints for future
Pass to next generation
Build the Pez kingdom.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Okay, so here I am sitting on top of 49 bloggin's and I'm wondering if I should do something to celebrate. But perhaps I'll wait until tomorrow when I can say I'm sitting atop 50 bloggin's. Or maybe I'll just wait until I hit a hundred bloggin's cause that's a more impressive number, but then I guess if I go with that theory I'd never get there. Let's just see how it goes.
Today's topic is: jam.
What happened that jam was created / invented? Was it an answer to a yearning, a response to the invention of toast? No, I think jam came before toast, well in the very least it came before toasters, so is it still toast if it didn't come from a toaster?
The question still remains: When was jam invented / created? Oh! Maybe jam came as a result of bad jelly, or rather jelly that didn't jell. Hm. So then the question remains but the subject is jelly. Either way, how did someone say "I want this fruit on my bread but in a form other than which it is currently in."? Obviously it was first eaten (or rather largely eaten) by the rich because the poor could scarcely afford bread. But still, which came first? Jam or toast? Jam or jelly?
I found a hole in wiki, they don't have history of jam, just information. Sigh. Okay, I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this but: that's the end of that topic. So then, on with the program.
Today's WOTD is:
Disingenuous - (adj) lacking in candor: also: giving a false appearance of simple frankness
Today's haiku of the day is:
Following shaddows
Waiting for one out of place
Stitch it to my feet.
Sunday, August 17, 2008


You'll have to read this with a bit o'an Irish accent.
The Incantation - by Amergin - translated by George Sigerson
Fain we ask Erinn,
Faring o'er ocean's
Motions to mountains,
Fountains and bowers,
Showers, rills rushing,
Gushing waves welling,
Swelling streams calling,
Falling foam-thunder,
Under lakes filling:
Willing- (abiding
Riding rounds, holding
Olden fairs meetly)-
Fleet to lift loyal
Royal king's towers,
Bowers for crowning;
Frowning foes over-
Rover Mil's warlike
Starlike sons therein.
Erinn shall longer,
Stronger, show honour,
On our Milesians.-
Wishing, in trouble,
Noble isle's wooing,
Suing, we stay here;-
Pray here to sail in,
Wailing maids royal!
Loyal chief-leaders,
Pleaders, blend pray'r in.
So we seek Erinn-
That's from a book I just aquired called "1000 Years of Irish Poetry" edited by Kathleen Hoagland. And seeing as though I have Irish blood in me, I only thought it suitable. I'll probably through one in every once in a while. And just to be clear, this is yesterday's post. I'll post today's post later.
Friday, August 15, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Other panted keys? Or maybe your wallet. Perhaps you've misplaced your last piece of gum and you don't have money on you because you left your wallet in your car, and your keys are in your other pants, which are also in the car and you gotta have your gum fix before someone gets whacked!
Don't worry, the solution is right around the corner. Introducing Mike T's Pocket O'Finder! Um, it gets things in pockets from miles away! What kind of price is on such a contraption? Well, without even describing it to you I will sell you it for only a limited time price of lots of dollars! Have more than one dollar? Then you can afford it and the pocket m'jiggy is yours today! Call now while our telephone operators are still awake!
"Hi, I'm neighborhood Bill and I gotta tell you, I love this product. It has saved me millions of dollars, IOU's and phone calls to the bank!"
Hate things being in your other pocket? Then these pant-savers are right for your, today! Have a blast showing them off at the office! Just send us your money and a package will be delivered! Just call 1-800-pocket saver, and you'll be on your way to success!
Today's WOTD has been brought to you by Pocket Deluxe "There's no better way to save!"
Luxuriate - (vb) 1. to grow profusely 2. revel
And now for the haiku of the day, brought to you by Mr. T's Pocket O'Mattic "Sure beats, or I mean... I pity the fool who don't have a Pocket Coupon!"
Rain drops on her face
Pine tree makes good umbrella
Little daisies grow.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here we come across a man sitting on a bench, in a park full of trees, grass, flowers, birds, a play ground, kids and a pond off in the distance. As the man sits on the bench thinking of days gone by, a little girl comes up to him. She's holding a little bottle with liquid inside and a little stick protrudes from the jar's opening. (Just so we're clear).
The little girls looks up at the man, as the man looks back at the girl. Both expect the other to start the conversation first so there is a minute of silence before the girl finally gives in and asks the man "Would you like to blow some bubbles with me?"
After a few secons the man realizes the other kids not too far from him, where the girl came from, with similar jars, all blowing bubbles. "You know" says the girl "It works better when you take the stick from the jar." The man smiles and laughs "I know little one, I was just thinking about, or trying to remember, the last time I blew bubbles. It seems as though age has caught up to me for I can't recall it." the man answers, still smiling.
"Here" the girl says as she hands him the bottle, "Try and make a really big bubble. As big as the sky! Super, super huge!" The girl stretches her arms out as far as she can make them, spreading her fingers far apart to highlight her meaning. The man took the bottle, stired the stick around a little and then pulled it out. "It works best if you wet your lips first" the man says "My grandma taught me that." He added, smiling. He held up the stick and blew gently but firmly into the little loop. The bubble began growing to a fair size and then -pop! "Ah! No luck!" He said. "Let's try that again shall we?"
This time, when he blew, the bubble came out so big that both the man and the little girl stepped into it and then they did, they found Candyland! No, not the game but the actual place! "Oh wow!" cried the girl, "It's beautiful, it's the best place I've ever seen! Times a mellillion!" Her smile was so big that it cracked her face clean in half and we never saw her again, but that's just the way things go.
Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'm pretty sure that one of their main goals is to be as intrusive and attention seeking as possible. The way they sneak into every crevice, into your clothing, hair and mouth (if they can). Insects behave like how a cat does when it wants food. Or babies but without the crying. Some want more attention than others, so they populate in an intense fashion. Most want attention so bad it's all you can help but to kill them on sight.
Others, like the mosquito, want more than just attention or maybe they want it so badly it goes to a deeper level. They're like the stalker of the insects. It's not enough that they see you once in a while, they need to be around you as much as possible, but then it escalates and they start taking stuff from you. You try bug spray but that only lasts for so long or they find the one place, that one little inch on your body that doesn't have enough spray on it, and they suck your blood! And if that wasn't enough, they spit in you because they know they can't have all of you.
Oh man, now I have that feeling that there are bugs crawling on me, or around me, or they're thinking about it and you know they're thinking of it so now you're thinking about them thinking about it but they're not even in the room and you just want them to get away! Die bugs die!
Ahem. Today's WOTD is:
Her metic - also Hermetical (adj): airtight.
Today's haiku of the day is:
Little bits of ice
Conforming all together
Making flakes of snow.
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Okay, enough being with the times. Right now we're going to have the Word of the Day. Today's WOTD is:
Filibuster - (n) 1. A military adventurer; esp : an American engaged in fomenting 19th century Latin American uprisings. 2. the use of delaying tactics (as extremely long speeches) esp. in a legislative assembly: also: an instance of this practice.
I guess I'll post again if I think of my topic for today. Oh wait, first let me post the haiku for today.
Broken flower stem
Growth halted before blossom
Tear rolls down her cheek.
Friday, August 8, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Say for instance you were expecting something good to happen. It could be that you're hoping for a raise, or maybe a phone call from someone you've been waiting to hear from, or find some money on the ground. But instead, you boss doesn't give you a headache, or maybe you don't burn your food.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blowing small soapy bubbles
Sun makes them sparkle.
Walking through ally
Painted by many artists
Getting his rant on.
Sunflower rising
Sprouting high in the meadow
Seeds ever growing.
Early rooster crow
His call waking the neighbors
Silence must be found.
Summer time Slurpee
Cool, refreshing and quite sweet
Watch out for brain freeze.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pretending to listen. Whether you're mind is occupied with something else or you're listening to someone who you really don't want to listen to, I think we all have pretended to listen at one time or another. Maybe it's not the person but the subject, or maybe you're just too tired to put effort into paying attention at the moment. Maybe it's the same story you've heard over and over from Grandma or Grandpa or whoever it is that can't get past the one significant moment in their lives which to everyone else is insignificant.
"I remember the day they invented the toaster. Before then, we never had such a thing. You just got your bread, and you was lucky if there was any butter in the house, let alone jam! Back in my day we could only dream of jam. Here you are with your peanut butter and your fancy dancy sugar free crab apple jelly. Why do you even need it to be sugar free, you should be happy we can afford sugar now. Back in my day..." "...And everyone's allergic to peanut butter now-a-days! Back in my day there tweren't no allergies and if you had 'em you put up with them or your got a lickin'. People don't give out lickin's anymore, that's why you got those punk kids with their hippity hoppity nonsense and cell phones. Every kid has a cell phone and their pushin' those buttons 'til their fingers fall off. Back in my day..."
And you're just nodding your head or saying "Yeah" or "Mmm, hmm" but you're not really listening because you're thinking about that cute girl or guy you saw earlier and thinking that they probably don't have to put up with this. Or you wouldn't if you were with them.
But the thing about not listening when you're supposed to is that there's a trick to it. Oh, or if you're in class and the lecture is boring. Anyway, the trick is that you have to listen just enough so that your responces are right. You don't want to be saying "Yeah" to something that's wrong. You want to say "Yeah I know, it's a shame" or some such. And you also have to be listening just enough so that if they ask a question, whether it's your opinion or whatever, that you can answer that question. But answer it just enough that they figure you know what they're trying to say or get across, and just short enough an answer that you don't have to get too involved in the conversation, or at least no more than you already are. There's a ballance to it. It's a science.
Hope you enjoyed the video. If you liked the music, check 'em out. And I'm done.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I'm just thinking that if we're only using so little of our brain capacity ...well I'd like an explanation as to why I am so forgetful sometimes. Or more acurately, why are some people smarter than others? Is it because they're using more of their 10%, or is it that their 10% is better than someone else's 10%, or is it because they're using more than 10%.
Let's say everyone on earth is using 10%. Are the smarter people using 10% all the time and the less smart people hardly use 10%? I don't know if everyone uses 10% all the time or what, but if they do, well then how do you explain learning? How do you explain someone having a photographic memory and someone else hardly remembering what they did yesterday? All drugs, alcohol, and inbreeding aside.
Let's say there are two brothers. Their genes are a clean slate, there's nothing wrong biologically, mentally or emotionally. They are the same age and they grow up in the same environment, learning from the same person, in the same setting, and they both learn by the same method. Will they both have the same level of intellect, both be able to retain the same amount of information? Obviously they are going to be unique individuals and will think about different things, but will they think about the same thing (math for example) in the same way? If they went about a math problem, would they solve it in the same way? Would both even be able to solve it?
How exactly does the human brain work, or at least how does that 10% work?
If you know about this than I do, I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions. Thanks.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I don't think I've been in too many situations that I've thought that, unless my friend's friend was doing something not so legal but that was probably only once and I don't remember what it was. Mainly, I just don't like being unsure about my life. I know there are people who leave things up in the air, but I'm pretty sure they have some kind of vision for what they want in life. What about not having a vision? Fight for one?
By the way, if you're interested in the Irish at all, you should either borrow it from the library or buy Whiskey in the Jar: Essential Irish Drinking Songs & Sing Alongs. It's a fun bit of Irish culture. If you don't like the Irish, well who am I kidding, who doesn't like the Irish?
You know what I don't like? Tricksy liars who offer goods and delicious, but then only vile and wrong comes forth. Such as the advertisements for food that looks and sounds like it would be very tasty but then you go to the restaurant and in fact it is neither. There have been a couple commercials that show food for what it is, the most played being McD****** and their Big M**. "Yeah, we're for the ordinary guy and our burger may not be neat and tidy but that's we substitute those things for good and tasty, come and like us". What are they reaching out for? It's McD******* for the love! Just trying to make another buck. Sure they're trying to be honest and make it look like they're "joe shmoe's" but that's just another tricksy lie! Run away and make your own danged burger! It's bound to be at least 5 times better.
But Dave, I can't cook worth a cent!
Yeah right, you can cook, you just have to look inside yourself and pull out your inner chef de cuisine.
I don't think that would be such a good idea, waking my inner chef would be like waking my inner pyro.
Well then either train a monkey to cook for you or get a friend to cook for you. Or you could kidnap a chef.
Yeah, okay. That sounds good, thanks Dave. You're a big help as usual!
That's what I'm here for tuts. And I'm out.
Friday, August 1, 2008

And now for something completely different. I think the outdoors would be great if there weren’t any bugs. Or maybe if the bugs just kept to themselves instead of flying around me or crawling all over me. Either that or I would like to just be used to the bugs, that they wouldn’t bother me. Especially ticks, mosquitoes, horseflies, wasps, hornets and just generally anything that bites or stings.
I wonder if frisbee was someone’s weak version of discus. If you think about it, it is pretty much discus but you’re throwing to someone and you don’t get a metal for it. I think ultimate frisbee is a step up but still lacks the heavy disc element. Of course that was the whole idea behind it, but really… if I had the internet at the moment I’d look frisbee up on Wiki and then I’d have answers. But as it is I’m at a wedding rehearsal.
There are too many things wrong with the idea of Starbucks.
I like it when bands aren’t in show business just for the fans and fame. You’ve gotta do it for yourselves as well, and that’s how you should be writing the songs because those are the songs that mean something. Don’t get me wrong, catchy songs are what keep coming back, but that’s mainly because of the radio and we all know that the radio is to blame for keeping old trends alive. It’s not like those trends are really living, it’s more that the people who hold onto them just won’t give them up. Those were the glory days and we all know you just can’t say goodbye to the glory days. What else would you have to compare those “young punks” with? Fashion? That standard is just too fluid to measure anything by. It’s not even a standard and is probably just as bad, if not worse, than music.
Okay I’m done.