There were a couple posts I was throwing up in the air for today, one was funny and the other was more thought provoking, but neither seemed completely blog worthy.
The topic I settle on today is: media. Has it become too ingrained into out system, nay our blood, that we simply can't get enough? Whether it be online or or the television or the radio, even the cd's, dvd's and books we buy. I am defining "media" as outside influence in our lives that we would not have opinion on otherwise. Maybe that's too broad but I've already typed it out and there's no um... backspaces. Yeah, it's broken.
The fact that you're reading this blog (which I'm quite thankful of) means that you have plenty of media in your life. At least computer wise. Unless of course you only used the internets for e-mail and subsequent of e-mail is this blog because I sent you the link. And then... my blog would have to be the only follow-up from your e-mail and then you shut off the computer after that.
Now then, the question is: Is a lot of media in one's life, a bad thing? Mayhap you build your worldview off of all the media you consume (which could very well be a biased and bad thing) but let us pretend that all media is unbiased and fair and truthful. Man, that sentence is probably the biggest lie they want you to believe.
Okay so let us pretend this and let us pretend that the media one brings into one's life is useful. Oh! Another big lie! Man, these things are just unearthing their ruddy butts all-upons this blog. So then, question: Is reading the newspaper better than watching the news? Is the radio better or worse than either tv or newspaper? Well of course those country stations are worse but I'm talking about the 'news talk' type stations.
Let us also pretend you find a "reliable" news source, whatever the media, and some how they come into a bad story, aka a rumor. Gasp and horrors! "Not my reliable news source, it's the best in town and fills me with information far superior to other types!" Yeah but I said we're pretending, so relax and continue to breath in that New York Times goodness, this is all make believe. ...Well you can look up the definition of "make believe" later because you most likely shudder and cringe at the mere mention of "fiction". ... FICTION!!
Ha ha! Made you get the jibblies.
Uh... I forget where I'm truly going with this, but the point of part of this is that you've got to be careful of what you take in too much of. You most likely don't even see it as too much, which is also a great deception. Oh and don't you worry, I'm not denying that I don't hang on to the words I read in Wiki or um... other reliable news source, I'm just saying that I'm aware and you better make sure you're aware. The more awareness out there, the better. And I'm done.
Now for today's WOTD:
Wrasse - (n) any of a large family of usu. brightly colored marine fishes including many food fishes.
Uh... I suppose that means fish we eat as opposed to fish we don't eat, or food that the fish eat. Yeah... it's time for today's haiku:
I am at zero
Release the controls, prepare
The ending is soon.
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