Come on everybody, gather around your dear sweet paps and listen to the story he's got to share ...for the third time today.
It's not the third time today you old coot, besides this is a different story. This is about the time I met Don Gordon. He had just finished filming Bullitt, with Steve McQueen, and was on his way to meet up with Bek Nelson. As you may recall, they liked to go for an ice cream sunday down at the local parlor down on the corner. Well I was at that parlor when they came in.
Now I had first seen the couple when they had been shooting The Lollipop Cover, three years before. Back then they were more into each other than the ice cream, but not that they still weren't playing kissy face.
Young people and their kissy face! Back in my day it was handy hold and that's it! You went anywhere past the wrist except to save her from falling (because she would be too busy swooning over me instead of keeping her balance) then you were called a Smooth Talkin' Sam. Back in my day you behaved yourself and you didn't play no kissy face!
And another thing, what do they think they're doing to oatmeal, putting raisins in it! Back in my day, if you wanted raisins in your oatmeal you had to grow your own grape vine, or sneak some from the Welshe's if you were too poor. But if you were too poor then what were you doin' with oatmeal? I suppose you could've stolen that too. The point is, you had to grow and dry the grapes yourself if you wanted raisins in your oatmeal. I suppose next they're going to start putting cinimon or brown sugar in there as well.
Bah! I'm going to have a nap. You're lucky I went to war so we could take naps! You youngsters and your music! And that's another thing, dancing! Back in my day dancing was only if...
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