It's funny, but as I sit here bloggin', I can't help but feel like there's a fat kid standing right behind me. Like she's waiting for me to say I don't want the rest of my chocolate bar.
If there was one thing you could change about computers, what would that be?
Also, when teachers asked that question, but with "school" instead of "computers" and the students gave the answer "the amount of homework" or "more recess" why'd they never listen? If the answer had been "open the windows" or "tell a joke before class" I'm sure the teachers would have complied.
Okay, onto today's real subject: restaurants. Have you ever been to a restaurant and thought "You know, I could probably just make this at home and it would be better"? Or "I could get this at another restaurant for a better price and a bigger portion" I think there should be an option of backing out of the deal, without paying for the food you didn't eat. Sometimes I go to a new restaurant thinking they'll be different, that this could be my new favorite place. But then it turns out to be the same as every where else except for their specialties. To me though, most places' specialties aren't that special, either that or their specials are more ...general. As in "Our special is steak and potatoes with salad" Yeah, like I can't get that anywhere else, as a special.
Sometimes though, you find a nice place and it's a gem in a sandy place and you're thinking, this could work, I can afford it and it tastes good. Plus the portions are generous, without being "oh man this is so big it could feed a horse for a week" big. So you like this restaurant and you recommend it to friends and family, but then one fateful night as you're going out to your car, you witness the cooks taking a smoke break in the back, only it's not your plain jane cigarette. What's that you smell? Is that pot? Yup. Okay... so the place that I like ...they cook my food when they're high? But you're not really in trouble until you realize the reason you like the food so much is because of the pink little bunnies you see floating around as you enjoy your meal. That and as soon as you finish your meal you feel like having chips or fast food.
Yeah. That's why McD*****'s makes its money and keeps its customers happy.
Today's WOTD is:
Geyser - (n) a spring that intermittently shoots up hot water and steam
Today's haiku of the day is:
Carried in basket
Fed and loved upon bunny
Bring it to Grandma.
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