Okay, so I missed yesterday, but I blame that on seeing the Riders' game. Man, I though for sure we'd be able to make a comeback, but then there were just too many bad plays. Sigh. And a half. I'm sure they lost because of my watching them. All this season I haven't watched a game because of lack of TSN, so then when I go and watch a game finally, they lose! I'm sorry to all of Saskatchewan and the Rough Riders. It was my fault and I promise not to watch another game again. Of course, I guess that's not really official until they win their next game, because then it was my fault. But if they lose next game, well I guess it wasn't really my fault but I'm probably partly to blame. So I'm sorry. You can hang me in town's square if you want. I've lived to see the Riders win the Grey Cup, so my life is full and blessed.
Onto today's topic: superstitions.
If you obey the laws of superstitions, do you live a better life than those of us who don't, or is it just being paranoid? What brings on superstitions? Is it in hope or for luck? As in, you are hoping that if you do something or don't do something, then good will come around and bad will keep off. Or is it that you're wanting luck, say for your favorite sports team. Hmmmm.
For the most part, I think superstitions are rediculous, a waste of time, and untrue. I've been around black cats, gone under ladders, stepped on cracks, and changed clothes. Yes I did just apologise for watching the game and therefore "making" the Riders lose their game, but that's about the Roughriders, so that's okay. But really, it's not that I think "okay I wore this shirt and the Riders won, it's more that I'd rather blame their loss on myself rather than the bad plays they made.
I've decided to make an adition to my blogs, and that is to bring up something that I keep trying to do: The Word Of The Day. I don't know about you guys, but it's something I enjoy and find easy to do. For those of you who don't know how this works, I grab the dictionary, flip open to some random page, and pick the first word I see. Generally. So without further adu, here is today's WOTD.
Pardoner - 1. A Mediceval preacher delegated to raise money for religious works by soliciting offerings and granting indulgences 2. One that pardons.
Also I could do a haiku of the day.
Empty forth the jar
Pour out the river's waters
Watch the flowers grow.
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