It was May 3rd, 1995 and I hadn't yet finished grade 5, but it was close and summer even closer. Love, was in the air. I don't know who was breathing in that air, but it certainly wasn't me. There was a girl that made a pass at me and tried to woo me, but being the typical immature guy, I turned her down by pretending to puke. I can say that it wasn't one of my best moments with a degree of accuracy, but that wouldn't move this story along.
Okay so there I was waiting for the bus to pick me up and take me home, although now that I am looking back at this event, I don't know why I hadn't been riding my bike to and from school already. Anyway, there I was waiting for the bus when all of a sudden, I was back in the 1985's helping Michael J. Fox in the filming of Back to the Future. Having seen all three movies already, I thought to help him capture the right moments.
He wasn't too sure I should be changing the past, and as I thought about the advice of Christopher Lloyd, his words still crisp in my mind, as he was still speaking them, I gave second thought to my intentions. Should I really bring on the responsibility of Captain Past Changer when I haven't yet grown up to know what really needs changing? Alas, had I given it more thought I would have destroyed the time machine then and there so I could change my own life's past. I could have kidnapped myself and raised myself up to be ...some kind of legendary legend.
Sigh. Some lessons are just meant to be learned the hard way. Like how I shouldn't have ...done ...place.
Okay, today's WOTD is: Eidolon - (n) 1. Phantom 2. Ideal
Today's haiku is:
January snow
Its top layer is crusty
Powder lies beneath.
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