If a movie is considered a grade less than other movies, does that deem it unworthy of being watched? Or maybe someone has a disfigured face, does that mean they're not good for television? Or what about the crumbs at the bottom of the cereal box, are they less of a cereal than the rest? Is something not as good just because it was the last one? Is a dirty penny less valuable than a shiny penny?
I think this is clearly a case of judging a book by its cover and I sit before you today asking each of you, who are any of us to judge the last piece of food on the shelf, or the quarter found on the floor of a washroom?
Are we ourselves not like each of these things? We have been disregarded by someone at some point in our lives just because there was something in our teeth, or our hair wasn't combed, or maybe our shirts weren't ironed. Does that mean we shouldn't get the job at a fancy type of store, or be turned down for asking someone out?
Well, obviously it does. I guess that's just the way the world is and we should all give up being second rate. I say we strive for the best, achieve 110% and push for more. Why settle for second place when first can be yours if you just fight dirty? Throw sand in some one's face, put laxatives in some one's coffee, trade urine samples, make false accusations, and learn how to lie effectively!
My work here is done!
Today's WOTD is:
Issuance - (n) the act of issuing or giving out esp. officially
And now for the haiku of the day:
Thunder rolling on
Lightning putting on a show
Rain sheets coming down.
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