Golf. Something that used to be a rich man's sport, and men only, is now something everyone can play. It might still seem like a rich man's sport because of the members who might wish to keep it that way, but I don't think a golf course would ever turn you down as long as you could pay the fee. I guess it's really the only sport you can't just play in a public field somewhere... well you could but it would take effort to make a golf course.
One thing golf has for it, is that it is a sport for all ages. I don't think I'd call it my favorite sport, but it is a sport that I could play if someone offered.
Another thing golf has is that it's the only... well maybe there are two, golf and hockey ...and tennis, okay well it is of the few sports that have miniature versions. I think that's where you can get the rest of the public involved. If you think a golf course is too white collar, who's going to say that about mini golf? And personally, mini golf is one of my favorite activities.
The point of all this is that I want to become a member of the Soup and Sandwich Club when I'm an old man. They get together and play golf, then afterwords they eat soup and sandwiches in the club. Hecks, I'll take that any day! Doesn't matter how well you do, at least you're getting exercise and not just sitting around. Plus it doesn't matter if you remember anything, cause you're an old man and at least you're getting your exercise and having fun. Or was I having fun? Who are you? I want soup!
And now for today's WOTD:
Obsequious - (adj) humbly or excessively attentive (as to a person in authority) : fawning, sycophantic syn menial, servile, slavish. subservient
Today's haiku of the day is:
Sake in his cup
Sword faithfully at his side
Samurai Master.
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