So, you guys got the memo that it's still Thursday today, right?
Okay, so I missed another day. Who's keeping track? Sigh, you're right ..I am. Okay but it's my blog and I say I just get my groove back on and um... swing my hips to the happy beat.
Alright, what about those people who don't like pizza? What's with that? I mean... it's pizza! I don't know what you couldn't like about a delicious pie filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, tomato sauce and ...well I guess that's all you put on a pizza. But still, how does that not come into your brain as a good thing? I don't know man... it's like those people who don't like chocolate. Can't you taste that sweetness? That wholesome love? Don't your taste buds work?
You might say "They work all too well Dave, and they're screaming for the horror to stop." To which I would say "Want a new tongue?" Alas, this is no dictatorship and I am no oppressor. I just need some ...digestibility on this subject.
And you don't like sandwiches? Man, if you're a girl out there, thinking that you'd like yourself a piece of Dave, but you don't like sandwiches and pizza and chocolate or um... meat? Then you need to get on a boat and take off, eh!
As for the rest of you people, I suppose I'm a foodist and don't like where I'm going with this. I know with my sister she doesn't like meat, or rather she doesn't eat meat where she doesn't know how it's killed. But even she would eat a veggie pizza or sandwich, and she loves chocolate.
Now for my point: It's funny how we love food so much that if someone doesn't like something, we mock them and call them um... whatever people like that are called. I'm not up with the lingo. However, there is a difference between not liking it and not trying it. I'm willing to try foods and so there.
Today's WOTD is:
Electricity - 1. a form of energy that occurs in nature and is observable in natural phenomena (as lightning) and that can be produced by friction, chemical reaction, or mechanical effort 2. electric current.
Funny how we take such a thing for granted. Just you wait...
Today's haiku of the day is:
Small simple pleasure
Cast your joys upon my heart
Dance little ant, dance.
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