Saturday, August 9, 2008


Oh uh... hello. I kinda forgot what I was going to post just now. I was kinda thinking Olympics, but then that seemed too up with the times and connected to the world. Man, do you think Afghanistan is going to get the Olympics next? Like, is the whole program/organization going down hill? Not to say that China is as bad as any of the "...istan" countries, but there was lots of talk about how China didn't deserve it. So is the Olympics becoming like the town bicycle or what?

Okay, enough being with the times. Right now we're going to have the Word of the Day. Today's WOTD is:

Filibuster - (n) 1. A military adventurer; esp : an American engaged in fomenting 19th century Latin American uprisings. 2. the use of delaying tactics (as extremely long speeches) esp. in a legislative assembly: also: an instance of this practice.

I guess I'll post again if I think of my topic for today. Oh wait, first let me post the haiku for today.

Broken flower stem
Growth halted before blossom
Tear rolls down her cheek.

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