I don't know which is worse, but I do know what tops both: saying you'll do something but not doing it.
That's why I resolve not to make any new year's resolutions. I know the idea is self-improvement but I don't think that happens too often, and really I can't remember any of my past resolutions to know if I've kept them. Also I have such a bad memory that I don't know if I could trust myself to remember the whole year long and more what it was I resolving to do or not do.
Yeah, I have a white board in my room right where I could see what it says and that would be my reminder, but that white board also tells me to "oil my bike" and "use Google Earth" but I keep not doing those things. Not because I don't want to, other wise it would be "don't oil bike" and "remove Google Earth". I just find myself spending time doing something else or I forget about them or don't feel like it when I do remember.
Okay well, time to sleep. I keep missing out on some good sleeping because of my being used to a 5am wake up call, but not anymore! Except that I still wake up before 7am now. Which my alarm is set for 7:27am.
Sigh. I'ma skip the WOTD.
Open pasture gate
Sheep come flocking to green grass
Forgot what they had.
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