I guess you could say she was wrong the whole time. I had a hunch about that from the beginning, you see, I've had a thing about knowing whether someone is right or wrong, it's something I can sense. It all started back in grade 1 when...
You know what I like about nervous people? They're easy to pick on. This is especially fun when you know you can get away with it. I don't mean pick on as in "bully" I mean pick on as in "tease". Say someone has a delicate ...um... no, let's say they have a favorite pen and they're nervous about you dropping it. Well it's a pen and you know you won't drop it, partly because it's a pen and you've held one for most of your life
...although that might just change one of these years. You people and your laptops...
Okay well back to the pen. So you know you won't drop it because it's a pen and also you know it's precious to the person so you're being careful, but you just can't help but to fake dropping it. I know you're probably not supposed to find something like that funny, but I just can't help but laugh when someone freaks out over little things. I suppose they say it's the little things that get you, or make life worth living, or make the world go round... but it's also the little things that make me go "ha!".
Yeah, yeah.. simple minds.
I guess the breaking point between picking on and bullying is dependent upon how often the act is committed. The art of it is knowing just how far you can go, and staying just behind that line. Most of the time you stay away from that line, but it's fun to go up to it every now and again. The trouble about it is that sometimes that line, if you go up to it often enough, can get wider. So the real trick is knowing how many times you can approach the line. Probably.
There's yet another problem. There are only so many times a person can have their line crossed, but you don't know if that person's number is more than once until you hit that once. And you don't know where that line is until you've crossed it. So then, if it is only once, you have to know the person in order to know if they can handle that once and you'll still be friends afterwords. If they can't well... I guess it's best to stay away from toying with their nervousness.
Hertz - (n) a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second
Wind blowing rope bridge
Gently swaying to and fro
Want to get across.
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