I think that if I were to be a tree, I'd rather produce fruit than not. It would be more probable that I would be chopped down if I were a tree that did not produce fruit. But then I suppose if I didn't produce a good enough crop year after year, after pruning and care, I'd be chopped down. But then, who's to say I'd have to be a fruit baring tree in the city or in an orchard?
I suppose if I were in the forest, I'd rather be a tree that does not produce fruit because the chances of my growing big and tall would be better than if I were a fruit baring tree. Although, I'm not really one to say that fruit baring trees do not grow tall and large because all I know is what I've seen in the city and on an orchard. Do you think fruit baring trees grow really big in the jungle? I guess they might if they're trying to get sunlight.
The point is, I'd rather be a tree than any other kind of plant, except maybe poison ivy or another plant like it just so I could catch the dumb people that come through the forest, not knowing one plant from another. Those fools, they actually wouldn't see me coming or knew what hit them.
Mwa ha ha ha ha haaaa!
Okay, I'm okay. Here's the WOTD:
Roentgen - (n) the international unit of measurement for X rays and gamma rays
Hm. I wonder how many roentgens would be in the Hulk.
Going to market
Haggle over price of fruit
Coffee with a friend.
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