Saturday, November 1, 2008

Onehundred Twentythree


For me, there's nothing that can really beat going really fast. I think that really goes for really everybody... except for those people who get their rush from a slow sunday drive, like old people and foreigners. And by "foreigners" I mean those people from countries with billions of people per square foot and so they're not used to being able to move more than 10 km's an hour. I just had to clarify that because of those autobahnians.

I think speed doesn't have to be weighed down by travel, I also like typing fast but lately that means more mistakes. Like I have to go to typing school again. I like fast food, but not as much as I used to, I'm trying to be healthier now. Cause we all know eating bacon and cheese sandwiches at home is better than getting a mozzarella burger or a baconator.

What else is fast? Not my brain that's for sure!

Not that fast is always the answer, but most of the time it's the correct one. I guess that's all I got. (It's distracting listening to music at the same time as bloggin')


Thiamine - (n) a vitamin of the vitamin B complex essential to normal metabolism and nerve function

Oh. I wonder what foods would have Thiamine in them. I'll have to look out for that. You know, cause I'm all the time trying to improve my nerve functions. Probably.


First bite of taco
Not as good as the middle
Better than the end.

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