Top however-many pleasant odors.
I don't know if these will be in any sort of particular order, I might arrange it that way once I complete the list, I might not. So this is a list of some of my favorite smells.
Also, I think I need to use a better word than "poem" for some of the stuff I write because I don't think they could really be classified as a "poem" but maybe I'll look that up.
Okay, smells:
Coffee, fresh baked bread, roast (beef, pork, chicken) cooking in the oven, bb-q, bacon, laundry being blown from the vent outside the house, freshly photocopied paper, just before it rains, straw/hay bales, licorice, fried eggs (and pretty much any meat being fried), waffles/pancakes, toast, mechanic shop, freshly cut wood, and copper.
As far as the "poem" thing goes, I looked in the thesaurus and the word I like the most is "verse". I think that would best fit as a description to most of the "poems" I make, except of course for haiku.
Okay so here's the WOTD:
Whig - (n) [short for Whiggamore, member of a Scottish group that marched to Edinburgh in 1648 to oppose the court party] 1. a member or supporter of a British political group of the late 17th through early 19th centuries seeking to limit royal authority and increase parliamentary power 2. an American favoring independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution 3. a member or supporter of an American political party formed about 1834 to oppose the Democrats
Bucket full of love
Sitting out on the back porch
Waiting to be used.
1 comment:
Ooo...I love the haiku today!
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