I'm not too sure I like the whole 'opposites attract' law, or rule, or ...system. Whatever you want to call it, I'm not too sure I like that idea for me, especially if you were to take it literally.
I'm sure girls who are the opposite of me are ...facinating to somebody and ...lovable, but is that girl for me? Oh wait, I should back up a bit and say that I don't mean she'd have to be opposite to me in every little detail, I mostly mean personality and behavior wise. Also I don't mean opposite in every situation (like being sad instead of happy or shouting instead of being quiet), although I do wonder if attraction to such a person would be possible and it might make for interesting, but uh... I don't think that's for me. Isn't that right Smithy.
Alright, I accept the challange. If you can find the girl most opposite of me... to me... I will date her. Ten bucks? Anybody? Don't tell her about any of this, cause most likely she'd be ...bored? about technology and the communication therein. Oh man... do you think there is a girl out there that's the opposite of me, like completely? Probably. Do you think such a girl would put up with me, the opposite of herself? I suppose she wouldn't want to date me... cause she'd be the opposite and um, since I'm up for it, it's most likely she's not.
Okay but seriously, I wonder how often those opposite relationships last. Man those zombies...
Gherkin - (n) 1. a small prickly fruit of a vine related to the cucumber used to make pickles 2. an immature cucumber
Huh. I always thought a gherkin was some kind of clothing. Weird.
Chainsaw replace hand
Holding a smoking shotgun
Watch the cabin floor.
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