"If eggnog wasn't so delicious, would people just revert back to rum?" asked Henry. "No," replied James. "I think they would go to chocolate milk, or perhaps they would instead go to wine. After all, chocolate milk isn't really a celebratory drink and perhaps seen more for kids." Henry thought it over a little, holding his chin with his left hand. "Tell me James, why do people need a celebratory drink? Isn't the fact that it's Christmas reason enough to celebrate?" inquired Henry. "Well yes it is, Henry. But you see," answered James "People enjoy celebrating holidays with food and drink, hence the turkey dinner. And what would turkey be without something to wash it down with?"
"But I like turkey just the way it is. I think Nanna puts in just the right amount of stuffing, and the cranberries do compliment it nicely. And let's not forget the gravy." said Henry. "Mmmmmm" Both boys said as one. And so, the boys continued to sit and think of the meal to come, the meal of Christmas. They were looking out the round window from their room, down at the kids playing football in the field across the street and to the right. They had been sent there because of a disagreement they had with their father about-
Just then there was a rap on the door. "Henry, James? Are you too still sore?" It was mother, come to look up after the boys. They were supposed to be working on their mathematics but instead she found them staring out the window like a couple of ...well a couple of boys wanting to be out on a day so nice as this one. It was late September and the weather was, as was the common thought, quickly running out of warmth. It would be a shame to waste such a day indoors, but such was the punishment for-
"Mary? Do you think we could talk a moment?" called father. His tone meant now and his face was losing patience. He did not want the mother of his children giving in to sad faces, and because of what the boys had done, did not want them to see a pleasant face for a good long while.
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